
Thatch. It’s not just the straw roof covering the tropical cabana, of which I’m currently dreaming as I endure the Colorado cold! Thatch is also known as the accumulation of grass clippings, roots, and other debris after several seasons of mowing a lawn. Short term, this is usually a welcome occurrence. Thatch can be very beneficial in moderation and likened to our skin. A thin layer can help protect the lawn from disease, drought, and dramatic weather swings. However, it can be harmful in excess. If unchecked, thatch can deprive grass of the nutrients and oxygen it requires to be healthy and happy.

Winter Watering

Winter may seem like a time to set landscaping tasks aside, but proper watering during the colder months is crucial for maintaining healthy landscapes. Many plants enter dormancy during the winter months.  However, their root systems remain active and require moisture to survive the season and prepare for spring growth.